General Disclaimer

All our (“Wealth From Little, Elizabeth Buko, WFL Growth’) products and services are intended for general education and information purposes only. Nothing on this Site, or any of the content provided to you by us during our provision of the products and/ or services, purports to offer legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.  Use caution and always seek professional advice before acting on any information that we provide.

WFL Growth, Wealth From Little or Elizabeth Buko provides support, guidance and tools for you to set goals, determine priorities and achieve results, but any decision you make, and the consequences that flow from such decisions, is your sole responsibility. Your success depends on many factors, including your background, dedication, participation, desire, and motivation.

Any testimonials and examples within our marketing materials are not to be taken as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results.

You acknowledge and agree that Elizabeth Buko, Wealth From Little, WFL Growth its directors, principals, employees and representatives are not responsible for decisions that you may make nor losses that may arise out of any business or personal decision made by you at any time.

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All material on this Site or otherwise delivered by us (“our content”) is subject to copyright. You must obtain our prior written permission if you would like to use, copy, or reproduce our content. Modification of our content for any purpose is a violation of our copyright and other proprietary rights and is strictly prohibited.

 You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights by using the Site or our content.

 The trademarks and logos displayed on our Site are the registered or unregistered trademarks of Wealth From Little. They may not be used in connection with any product or service that does not belong to Wealth From Little, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion with customers, or in any manner that disparages Elizabeth Buko , WFL Growth or Wealth From Little .

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You indemnify us from all actions, suits, claims, demands, liabilities, costs, expenses, loss and damage (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) incurred or suffered by you or us as a direct or indirect consequence of using or attempting to use our information, products, services or any breach by you or your agents of these Terms. We are not responsible for, and expressly disclaim all liability to the fullest extent permitted by law, for damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within our Site, Wealth From Little Community or through use of our products or services.